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I spent three decades as a scholar/professor, and most of an earlier decade studying to become one. On this page I am providing some indication on topics I feel comfortable discussing or writing about.  In effect, this is a chopped up and hopefully more interesting presentation of my cv, short for curriculum vitae, the academic version of  a resume.  


I am only fluent in English, mostly the American version, but am quite familiar with British English, too. I studied German in high school, tested out of a semester in college, and took more thereafter. It is my strongest foreign language. I also studied Latin for a short period. For my graduate program I established reading comprehension in French, after taking an intensive summer program and living in Paris for a few months. It is probably my second strongest foreign language. On the same 'grand tour' that had me in Paris, I spent a month in Seville, Spain, and established beginning credit in Spanish. Travels in Turkey and China gave me a few words and phrases in Mandarin Chinese and Turkish languages, too. Undergraduate days involved intermural Judo, so I picked up a few word and phrases in Japanese.






Graduated from...


Homestead Jr. / Sr. High School, Fort Wayne, IN, 1975, Academic Diploma, Senior Class President; Was invited in my junior year to take a team-taught advanced English class my senior year.


Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, B. A. English, 1979; minors in Theatre and Speech

post-back education program 1980


Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, M. A.  English, 1982


University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, Ph. D. Renaissance Englsih Lyric Poetry, 1993

[Began in '83, took year off when my father died in '86, took teaching position three-hour drive to the West of UK as ABD in 1988, dissertated with work on thematic reflexivity in the poetry of John Donne, approved by committe chaired by John T. Shawcross.]






unless othewise indicated, these below are all print pubications


Solo Works:


Accepted for publication in March (or earlier) of 2022, in The Kentucky Philological Review, "Onomastic Play in Kingsolver's Unsheltered," an essay of literary criticism.


"Teaching Peace by Questioning Borders: Donne, Frost, Kingsolver," CEA Critic,  March 2013. 5-9.


“Speaking in Ears: Milton Trumps Evil Annunciation,” Kentucky Philological Review, March 2010. 


“Economic Development?” Bloodlines: An Anthology of Emerging Kentucky Authors, 2007. 


“A Thousand Acres of King Lear: Reading Shakespeare Through Smiley.” CEA Critic. June 2007. 


“Guardian Angel,” American Popular Icons: The People, Places, and Things that Shaped American  Culture. Dennis Hall, Susan Hall, Eds.  Greenwood Press.  2006. 


“But Can They Write Well?  Teaching Quality to Composition Students.”  The Writing Consortium,   Online.  October 26, 2005. 


"Stoker’s Dracula: A Neo-gothic Experiment?" in The Fantastic Vampire: Studies in the Children of the Night, Holte, ed.  Westport, CT: Greenwood P, 2002. 


"Reading the Caves of Davis McCombs," The Journal of Kentucky Studies 18 (Sept. 2001) 96-100. 


"Framing Wyatt's Poins," Kentucky Philological Review 14 (March 2000): 40-44. 


“Mason’s Characters Get Some College," Border States (April 1999): 47-55. 


"Donne's 'Witchcraft by a Picture' as Evidence of a Performative Aesthetic," West Virginia Shakespeare and Renaissance Association Selected Papers, v 19 (1996) 51-61. 


"Our Development as Professionals: A Tending of Conferences," Kentuckyy English Bulletin 1996, 77-81. 


"Reflexive Self-Reference in Donne's 'The triple Foole'," Kentucky Philological Review, 1995, 39-45. 


"Coping with LAN Syndrome," Networking Computer Composition Across Kentucky, Spring, 1992, 2-5. Print.







“A History of Associations: Scott Does ICFA,” Fantastic Machinations: International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, 30 Year Retrospective, 2009. 


Book Review:  Inside Science Fiction.  2nd Ed.  Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 2006. 


Book Review:  Jesse Stuart—The Heritage: A Biography, in Kentucky Philological Review, 2005. 


Book Review:  An Instinct for Dragons, in Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 2005. 


Articles on: "Faustus," "Pericles," "Richard II," "The Spanish Tragedy", Cyclopedia of Literary Places, Salem P, 2003. 


Articles on: "Guy Davenport," "William Gass," "Ursula K. Le Guin," "Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.," in Critical Survey of Short Fiction, 2 Rev. Ed., article updates, (2003). 


Article on: "The English Novel," Article Update, Critical Survey of Long Fiction 2 ed., Salem Press: April, 2000. 


Article on: "Role Playing Games," Encyclopedia of U.S. Popular Culture, (1999). 


Article on: "Fantasy Games."  The Encyclopedia of Sport in American Culture. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 1999. 


Article on: “Nocturnal Upon St. Lucie’s Day,” Masterplots II: Poetry Series Supplement (1998): 3270-3272. 


With Kenneth Phillips.  "Playing with Power: The Science of Magic in Interactive Fantasy."  Journal for the Fantastic in the Arts (1998): 62-75. 


Articles on: "Boiardo," "Butler," "Donne," "Gascoigne," "Kesey," "Lovelace," "Milton," "Raleigh," "Pirsig," "Skelton,"  article updates in Cyclopedia of World Authors, 3 ed., Salem Press (1997). 


Articles on:  "Poul Anderson's The High Crusade," "Stephen Brust's Brokedown Palace," "Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series," "Fritz Leiber's The Big Time," "Jack Vance's The Dragonmasters," in Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature 4v (1996). 


With Yukie Asaoka Groves.  Editor/Translator: Etsuro Hatakayama, "Reflexivity in John Donne's Songs  and Sonnets."  Tohokyu Gaukin Review, 1988.  (Appended to dissertation, for publication, 1994). 


Copy Editor: Oberwarth, Julian C.  The History of the Profession of Architecture in Kentucky.  Ed.  William B. Scott, U Kentucky Press, 1988. 




Conference Papers (topics):


Beginning in the early 1990s, I began a committment to attend conferences and present papers, some of which turned into the academic papers listed above. Others remain unpublished. I tended to attend from two to four conferfences each semester, amassing a list of writings, each generally ten pages long, double spaced, totaling more than ninety. In order to simplify listing each paper, I will list the topics they are about below, where you may find a keyword that interests you. An asterisk after a topic indicates I am familiar with the subject but did not write an essay about it. I do not claim complete expertise on each of these topics, but have had something to say about each. 






Illiad & Odyssey + various epics and romances (Gilgamesh*, Dante,* Boiardo*, Spenser, Milton)

Beowulf & Anglo-Saxon


Medieval Drama*



Sonnet Development




Renaissance Drama*



Donne (dissertation, specific poems)




Restoration Drama*



The Early Novel



The Gothic



The Romantic Poets






Early Science Fiction (Wells, Verne)



Twentieth-century novel















Role-playing Games (D&D)

Collectible Card Games (Pokemon, Magic the Gathering)

Science Fiction & Fantasy (Tolkein, Jordan, Mieville,)

Guardian Angels





Essay Commentaries for Radio Broadcast (~120) on WKMS, NPR affiliate, Murray, KY

Newspaper Column (100 articles) for The Madisonville Messenger, Madisonville, KY





The following works are collaborations in one way or another:

Literary Topics

 Pop Culture Topics

Non-academic Writings, During Academic Career
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